Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New Digs

Well, we hadn't planned on it, at least not so soon. I found the cutest house on the internet last week. Wrote the realtor, and made an appointment to go look at it. We went, we saw, we fell in love! Naturally we had to look at a handful of other homes too, but in the end we put an offer on the first house- the one I had discovered on the internet. (Thank you, internet!!!) The house had been on the market for about a week, and somebody else had looked at it a few hours before we did. They placed an offer on the home, which put us in a bind- either place an offer or find something else. So, we placed our offer, the seller took them both into consideration and decided to accept ours. YES!!! Now for the hard part- we must sell our current home before we can buy the new home. Our house now has a nice new Century 21 sign out front. We had 3 "lookie-loos" the first two days. Today is the third day, maybe 3's a charm? Sell, sell, SELL!!!!!

The new home is sooooo cute. 3.4 acres. 1296 sq. foot. (Yes, a step down size-wise, but size does not make the home!) It's been nice living in this brand new 2174 sq. foot home the past two years, with all of it's modern conveniences and all, but... no privacy. Picky picky picky CC&R's. Mean neighbor. It just doesn't feel "homey" anymore- too much anger over the CC&R's and the mean neighbor. Plus everytime you step out into the yard, you (we) feel like we're being watched by somebody. Which we probably are. They insist on these useless little 2 rail white vinyl fences, and everybody can see into everybody elses yards- you can't help but look, really. But you don't have to be a jerk about it and sit on your little thrown on the patio with arms folded across your chest, black sunglasses on, staring at your every movement. You go to the left, his head goes to the left. Go right, head goes right. Front yard his eyes rivet to the front. Back yard, he pivots to the back. Arms folded. Scowl on face. Major butthead. Can't wait to get out of this neighborhood and move to the new place.

Speaking of new place. Did I say CUTE????? 3.4 acres- but I think a little more than half is in the lake. White Mud Lake. What a name... it's not white, and it doesn't look all that muddy, really. Must be a name from way back when. There is a dolomite mine in the area, maybe it stems from that? Anyway, it is a little 2 bedroom with a den, 1 1/2 bath mobile. 9 years old- but in great shape. The owners obviously took great care, it's really clean. Great decks, front and back yard. We'll be able to wake up and lay in bed watching the sun come up over the lake. Sit in the living room and watch the ducks skirt over the lake. Sit on the deck, sit on the lawn, walk right down to the lake if we want. Lake, lake, lake- trees, hills, wildlife, privacy... I'm soooo looking forward to moving.

The only bad thing is moving away from my Mom. I feel like I'm letting her down- I'm sure my brothers and sister resent me for moving away now that she moved out here to be near us. But- I never made a promise I'd never move- it's always been a possibility. And we'll only be a couple of hours away, we can run down weekly or every other week- and she can go up to see us at the new lake for overnighters... no biggie... I just have to be sure and keep my promise to visit often- can't let her down on that... which will be an easy promise to keep, because we do love this area, and will always want to come visit the lakes, the parks, (the shops!) etc... although I am afraid one of these days this will just be another little ritzy carmel-ish type/Lake Tahoe-ish type town. Sigh...

Anyway, time to run to the doctors to see what's wrong with my hands. Numb 4th and 5th fingers- tingling sensations, pain, etc... too much typing? I don't think so- I think it started when we weed-whacked at Blanchard a couple of months ago with the mongo weed whacker. We'll see...